D∆WN (Dawn Richard) her new animated "Cali Sun" music video! She also recently released her new next-level & always ahead-of-the-pack "Not Above That" Virtual Reality Experience music video! The rapidly-growing music icon in the making also just released her new "Serpentine Fire" & "Wake Up" singles! Both songs is lifted from her upcoming RED*emp*tion studio album which has already spawned her "Not Above That" single! She also just released her new Infrared EP album produced by Kingdom released via the Fade to Mind record label! The project has already spawnedh The newly limited 4-track set initially brought her recently released new lead "Honest" single and also includes "How I Get It", "Paint It Blue" and "Baptize!" D∆WN recently performed and brought her stellar talent to the YouTube Space LA's 360-degree video live-streaming event! She also released her flossin' "Hollywould" single which was produced by consistent duo Noisecastle III & Swagg R'Celiouse! The singer also previously released her Dance (Remix) EP which included several remixed versions of the original version of "Dance!" The song is lifted from her upcoming new The Red Era (previously titled Redemptionheart)! D∆WN also released her "Roses" ballad single, the new music video for her "Titans x James Dean" single, remixes for "James Dean", "Genocide" single, futuristic music video for "Calypso", "New Or Lean", "Choices: The Interlude", "Tide: The Paradox Effect" tracks! She also previously released her singles "Castles", "Physical", "Professional" and "Blow!" All tracks are from DR's recently released Blackheart album which dropped back in January 2015! D∆WN's album is the second album released in her Blackheart trilogy collection!
Watch D∆WN's "Cali Sun" music video!
#DawnRichard #D∆WN #CaliSun #newanimatedvideo #NotAboveThat #newvirtualrealityexperince #newmusicvideo #SerpentineFire #newsingle #WakeUp #RED*emp*tion #newalbum #Infrared #newEPalbum #Honest #HowIGetIt #PaintItBlue #Baptize #YouTubeSpaceLA #InfraredEPalbum #Kingdom #360-degreevideolive-streamingevent #FadeToMindlabel #NotAboveThat #newsingle #Hollywould #newsingle #NoisecastleIII #SwaggR'Celiouse #D∆WN #DanceRemixEPalbum #Dance #newsingle #TheRedEra #newalbum #Roses #TitansXJamesDean #newmusivideo #Calypso #NewOrLean #Tide:TheParadoxEffect #Castles #Physical #Professional #Blackheart #Blow #newalbum #newsingles #buzzfeed #musicartists
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