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Overthinking Is Good or Bad?

Man Overthinking

Overthinking is a part of life that many people have to deal with on a regular basis, and a lot of those find this constant over-analysis to be a hindrance.

Do you overthink? yes, each person over the earth overthinks, and most of the people worried about this consider overthinking as a major problem of their life which is actually not.

The power to think is a blessing we received from God as a gift and it is a base to perform any action else you can not do anything unless you think first. Overthinking is destructive and mentally draining. It can make you feel like you’re stuck in one place, and if you don’t act, it can greatly impact on your day-to-day life. It can quickly put your health and total well-being at risk. Rumination makes you more susceptible to depression and anxiety.

Many people overthink because they are scared of the future, and what could potentially go wrong.

Extreme overthinking can easily sap your sense of control over your life. It robs us of active participation in everything around us. It has been linked to higher levels of intelligence and creativity and the relationship between those facets of a personality are quite obvious when they are considered.

The act of overthinking is directly linked to an overactive medial prefrontal cortex, which is the site of conscious perception and threat analysis. Spontaneous activity in that area of the brain is not only what allows for creativity, but it is also thought to be the center of analysis paralysis.

The same creativity that can be used to build awesome imaginative landscapes and abstract ideas is also used to imagine all the countless scenarios and outcomes that one experiences when overthinking.

Once an over thinker realizes they are simply using their creativity in a negative way, they can start to catch themselves in the act of overthinking so they can put their creative genius to better use. It is important to remember that the free-flow of thought that accompanies overthinking can be used in a positive sense as well.

Overthinking can trap the brain in a worry cycle. When ruminating become as natural as breathing, you need to quickly deal with it and find a solution to it. 

Here’s how to control your tendency to overthink and to deal with it

The first step is to notice that you’re overthinking and become aware of what’s going on. One way to think about it is if you have more than three potential, or “what if,” scenarios, you’re thinking about it too much.
  1. Mindlessness or thoughtlessness is a myth, we cannot stop thinking. It is a request to everyone who is reading this, don't try to stop overthinking. It is a natural process. Let thoughts come.
  2. Start Meditation and make it a habit to do daily.
  3. Don't fight with oncoming thoughts. Let them come and go, don't stuck in thoughts.
  4. Be kind to yourself. We are humans, a mistake is common during any work. Don't think how you did this mistake but yes make sure you don't repeat the same mistake. Just learn from your mistake.
  5. Similar to this, start forgiving others as well.
  6. Write your thoughts on paper. This will make feel free to you from overthinking.
  7. Keep your mind busy with creative work. It is simple if you think more, then more creative ideas will be in your mind. Creative ideas and innovative ideas will lead to developing something out of the box.  Just take an example of entrepreneurs if they will not think then how they will think about startup business. You are also an entrepreneur thus you have read this entire article. You can do it, man. Go ahead, think and think and prove yourself what you are and what you can do just by overthinking.
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