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Sing for r-Evolution #12m15m

We did it. Almost one year later, yesterday we took the streets and the square again; we keep on fighting for our future and for the future of those we love. The #15m movement is not dead, it is ALIVE and we keep on fighting for our rights.

So that day, I put on my creeper shoes and one of my cutest skirt, and worked with my mates of @Acampadabcn for showing the world that we're still angry with the governments, the banks and all the corrupt people; and that we believe that a better world can be made. Here you can see some pictures of #12mbcn. Enjoy them, and remember: take the squares!

And on Sunday... we're still at Plaza Catalunya...

Pictures from Fotomovimientobcn, Jordi Aros and me :)

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Lo hemos hecho, y esta vez hemos vuelto no para discutir cómo solucionar las cosas, sino para mostrar todo lo que hemos pensado y trabajado durante este año. Y entrar en acción. No creísteis en nosotros y, sin embargo, aquí seguimos...
...Gracias por dudar.

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