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It's impossible for anybody to feel stuck when they're in the presence of an impossibly sexually seductive woman like Carla Gugino.  Any notion of being stuck vanishes like smoke against a ceiling fan before it crashes from the ceiling to the foor because somebody keeps dangling from it.  Just looking at her makes a fantastic number of Internet blog entries appear in my mind.  And it's night now and I should be going to bed, but then I saw these impossible sexually seductive photos of actress Carla Gugino and then I feel the need to write about it.  Oh yes, I also feel the need to play Farmville too.  Oh yes, Farmville is a really fun game.
And as I look upwards at a huge gaping hole in the ceiling where the ceiling fan once existed, here are some photos of actress Carla Gugino.  Yes, I know.  I should be writing a blog entry that's a bit more elaborate than this.  I'll try better next time.

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