The Weeknd just unveiled the official music video for his recently dropped "Blinding Lights" single! Take a look at the 'bloody' near-film visual via YouTube below!
He also recently dropped the official music video for his "Heartless" single!
In April of 2018, The Weeknd last dropped the official music video for his "Call Out My Name" track! Also at that time he unveiled the short film/Docupoem for his "He Was Never There" single! He also released his "Try Me" single! Both singles were lifted from his unexpected new My Dear Melancholy EP album which dropped on March 2018!
He also recently previously released his "Pray For Me" single feat. Kendrick Lamar which was lifted via the Black Panther The Album Music from and Inspired By (Black Panther: The Album) soundtrack!

VIDEO: The Weeknd's "Blinding Lights!"
Back in 2017, The Weeknd previously toured with his Legend Of The Fall Tour: Phase I & II! The Weeknd also dropped his "Reminder" Feat. A$AP Rocky & Young Thug, the music videos for his "Secrets" track, "I Feel It Coming" feat. Daft Punk & his original version of the "Reminder" single! The performer released the official music video for his HIT "Party Monster" single! The Vevo Presents...The Weeknd's music video for his "Sideways" single feat. Kendrick Lamar, the 12-minute short film visual titled "Mania! & singles "Party Monster" & "I Feel It Coming" feat. Daft Punk! The Grammy Award winning Artist also released "False Alarm" music video & his "Starboy" lead single and music video! All tracks are lifted from his Starboy studio album! The Canadian singer-songwriter, record producer has previously released 3 mixtape albums in 2011 (House Of Balloons, Thursday and Echoes Of Silence), compilation album Trilogy in 2012 and his Kiss Land debut studio back in 2013!
#TheWeeknd #BlindingLights #newmusicvideo #Heartless #newsingle #newmusicvideo #BlindingLights #newsingle#CallOutMyName #newmusicvideo #newlyricmusicvideo #HeWasNeverThere #newshortfilm #TryMe #newsingle #MyDearMelancholy #newEPalbum #PrayForMe #KendrickLamar #AllTheStars #SZA #BlackPantherTheAlbum #MusicfromandInspiredByBlackPanther:TheMovie #TheBlackPanther #TheBlackPantherMovie#LegendOfTheFallTour:PhaseII #LegendOfTheFallTour:PhaseI #tourtrailer #Reminder #A$APRocky #YoungThug #newremixsingle #Secrets #newsingle #newmusicvideo #IFeelItComing #DaftPunk #newmusicvideo #Reminder #newmusicvideo #PartyMonster #newmusicvideo #Mania #shortfilm #IFeelItComing #DaftPunk #twonewsingles #FalseAlarm #Starboy #newmusicvideo #newalbum #newmusicvideo #InTheNight #newmusicvideo #TheHills(Remix) #Eminem #newremix #TellYourFriends #newmusicvideo #KanyeWest #Can'tFeelMyFace #TheHills #OftenRemix #SchoolBoyQ #RickRoss #KingOfTheFall #KissLand #PBR&Bartist #Canadianartist #R&B #newmusic #newalbum #buzzfeed #musicartists
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