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{Lifestyle} What I've learned during Lock-Down

Hi guys! Happy Thursday. How are you doing? Still, holding up in this Lock-Down time ??

I'll admit that if I'm 100% honest - I was hoping to be back at work again in full force .. but instead, I'm still working from home and homeschooling. Although I am not loving it every day- it has opened my eyes and made me realize some things that I do know that was missing from my daily routine pre-lockdown and I'm sure a few of you might relate.

The Importance of Friendships
Yes - I do have my best friends that I talk to daily (and still do !) but I love how we talk more about meaningful and silly things now. We have a policy that we do a "Proof of Life" selfie daily - so no matter how meh you feel or look, or if you have a glammed up day or just a day of Netflix and Chill - you have to send a photo of yourself for the day. That and video calls have made the WORLD of difference. Now we talk to each other's pets and other half, pets ... you name it. 

I'm glad the two biggest supporter friends on my side is my supportive bestie and my realist friend. Without them, I would have had a much much harder time adjusting to this period. My bestie who I can talk to about EVERYTHING and I know she won't judge me at all. She's the kind of friend that if I killed someone would most likely be googling tips on how to hide a body and help work on my defence to claim it was lack of coffee. 

But I'm just as thankful for my realist friend. Being a journalist he tells it like it is .. even though he mostly knows that's not what I want to hear. I had a few freaks out moments during this lock-down time where I could talk to him being close to tears and he would always be there to tell me ... yes, this sucks now ... and it will be sucky for a few days still .. but at the end of the day, it won't suck forever. But then know I need more reassurance and send me cute photos of his dog or memes. 

These are the people worth holding onto - the ones you can send daily I love you messages and that keep you sane in this time. 

Family Time
Yes ... I've always made family time ... but now that I have to try and work from home as well as homeschool I noticed the importance of this. We had such different schedules that mealtimes weren't always together ... now we can have meals together ... movie afternoons (between cooking dinner and sending those last work emails ) ... game nights or mornings ... or just for our daily morning walk. While I preferred my exercise time as my "alone-time" which ended up in me skipping it some days from being too tired... we now put on our pretty material masks and go for a 3-5km morning walk daily instead. (Or biking some mornings) . While I prefer to zone out during my exercise time... I am getting used to Alex talking away about Pokemon but at least I know we are moving more and that's awesome. 

Proper Meals 
I'm super guilty here... I was usually so busy I hardly had any breakfast .... at work around lunch-time I had to run before picking up Alex from school and finishing work for the morning that I usually snacked on something light like a piece of rusk ... and by dinner time I was starving. Now I can take it slow as there is no school drop off the rush and rushing to work ... so I can do some Chai seeds puddings with fruit a=for breakfast or even Avo on toast for breakfast and a proper lunch. Which I never used to but now I don't have a chocolate craving all day or starving before dinner time. And I still make sure I get in my normal vitamins and water ... 

While I love knitting and crocheting - this was something I basically did only on Sundays and the occasional Monday. In this time I completed a blanket for Alex which he calls his Lock-Down blanket and loves to death. I'm also working on two new ones - if you follow me on Instagram you can see my progress as I go along with this as well - now that I have a little more time.

Even though lock-down is hard ... and I do realize it is necessary - I have learned the importance of things ... but it doesn't mean I don't slip up and still forget to pack away laundry or bring it in ... that might be something I work on in the future ... hahaha.

Have you noticed something during this time that's important as well ?? 

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